Astrology, Spirituality, Tarot

The current landscape sees an intriguing surge among the younger generations, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, turning their attention towards psychology, astrology, tarot, and the esoteric. These avenues aren’t merely employed to predict the future, but rather to foster self-awareness, introspection, and personal growth. While statistics from Bangladesh are lacking, the global trends indicate a remarkable resurgence in astrology and tarot. 

Technological advancements have also aided astrology’s resurgence, making esoteric wisdom accessible and digestible. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok are brimming with content from tarot readers and astrologers, propelling these industries to significant heights. A Yahoo Finance report pegs the astrology industry’s worth at $12.8 billion, with projections soaring to $22 billion by 2031. Notably, 63% of Millennials and Gen Z reportedly resonate with their zodiac signs’ portrayal of their personalities (WGSN report). What prompts this resurgence and draws the youth towards these cosmic pursuits?

To decipher this phenomenon, we delve into the generational patterns exhibited by Millennials and Gen Z, seeking insights from astrology once more. Astrology designates Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto as generational planets. Pluto, with its leisurely traversal through the zodiac spanning 248 years, holds a distinct significance. It resides in a sign for approximately fifteen to twenty years, shaping the collective soul purpose and spiritual mission of its generation. The themes woven around Pluto encompass death, rebirth, and profound transformation occurring over extended periods.

Derived from ancient Greek mythology as the ruler of the underworld, Pluto casts light on humanity’s shadow aspects. It encapsulates the collective shadow while also heralding reclamation of power and agency. Generational trauma and the emergence of change catalysts are encapsulated within Pluto’s influence. The Pluto in Leo generation (1937 – 1958) witnessed the aftermath of World War II, reflecting individualism as a defining trait. This generation occasionally manifested unhealthy egos, reluctance to acknowledge fault, and misguided deference to elders solely based on seniority. These traits rippled into the experiences of the ensuing Pluto in Scorpio generation and subsequently impacted Gen X and Millennials through their Baby Boomer parents.

Pluto’s transition to Virgo (1956 – 1972) heralded the arrival of an earlier Gen X iteration or a late Baby Boomer wave. Obsession with details and pursuit of perfection marked their legacy. Partition and the Liberation War notably marked this era in Bangladesh, leaving behind deep-seated collective trauma. Consequently, many of these individuals parented the subsequent generations of Millennials and Gen Z. Subsequent Pluto in Libra (1972 – 1984) generation shaped the Gen X narrative, characterized by justice and diplomacy. This time period oversaw a transformation of relationships as divorces surged. Here, we find a generation with a compulsive need to people please resulting in resentment and projection. This transit and generation obliterated obsolete relationship models.

The mantle of generational transformation fell upon Millennials, whose Pluto resides in Scorpio (1983 – 1995), the sign of evolution, taboo, and hidden facets.

A pivotal aspect of this Pluto in Scorpio generation lies in their capacity to unveil hidden truths and facilitate healing. Amid their reign, issues such as AIDS, LGBTQ rights, mental health, domestic abuse, and addiction emerged as open discourse topics. Having grappled with their war-stricken lineage, they took on the roles of cycle breakers. Notably, they were the first modern generation to embrace astrology as a resource, breaking the stigma tied to it since the Enlightenment era.

Lastly, the Pluto in Sagittarius generation, or Gen Z, embarks on the journey of transforming belief systems and probing ultimate truths. The cataclysmic events of 9/11 cast a shadow over 2001, spurring heightened interest in esoteric practices during times of upheaval. Pluto’s entry into Capricorn in 2008 coincided with global financial turmoil, shaping the early job market experiences for Millennials. This shift, partly stemming from the policies crafted by Baby Boomers, fostered an entrepreneurial surge as salaried job security waned.

Capricorn symbolizes tradition and established systems, a trait accentuated since 2008. Bangladesh, amid economic growth, grappled with burgeoning corruption and an uneven distribution of wealth. The Holey Artisan attacks (2016) and the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic further accentuated the call for inner reflection and sparked a global mental health crisis. Astrology and tarot emerged as beacons of guidance amidst this turmoil, providing answers to profound identity and purpose queries, which our patriarchal and rational society often disregards.

As Millennials mend generational wounds and Gen Z confronts antiquated beliefs, the allure of ancient wisdom as a compass for navigating life’s undulating currents is understandable. Astrology becomes a tool not only for self-discovery but also for comprehending the intricacies and motivations of the individuals around them. This planetary renaissance stands as a testament to the youth’s quest for understanding, growth, and holistic transformation.

The generational journey propelled by Pluto’s movements in the zodiac has brought forth distinct shifts in belief systems and inclinations. Notably, the Pluto in Virgo generation exhibited a strong religious fervor, finding solace and identity within organized faith. However, as subsequent Pluto generations emerged, a notable shift towards agnosticism transpired. The influence of Libra, an air sign synonymous with rational thought, played a pivotal role in steering these generations away from traditional religious paths. This transition is particularly evident in the Pluto in Scorpio cohort, which found solace in spiritual practices as a means of healing and self-discovery. This shift away from organized religion significantly contributed to the subsequent embrace of astrology.

The evolution of modern astrology itself has played a vital role in captivating the interest of Millennials and Gen Z. Unlike its historical counterparts, modern astrology possesses an open-ended quality that encourages personal interpretation and psychological insight. The prevailing viewpoint underscores that celestial bodies don’t govern us; instead, we can collaborate with their energies to our advantage, harmonizing with cosmic rhythms to navigate life’s complexities.

One notable observation is astrology’s heightened popularity among women in comparison to men. This disparity can be attributed to astrology’s reclamation of divine feminine power and intuitive arts. In a world that has historically marginalized such aspects, astrology serves as a means for women to reconnect with these innate strengths, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-affirmation.

Astrology’s allure extends beyond personal empowerment; it resonates with the broader cultural shifts occurring worldwide. As organized religion’s influence wanes, individuals seek alternative avenues to connect with the spiritual and the transcendent. Astrology, with its cosmic tapestry of archetypes and energies, offers a unique language to navigate these uncharted waters. It provides a platform for introspection, personal growth, and a sense of belonging within the universe’s intricate design.

The surge in astrology’s popularity dovetails with the blossoming technological landscape. The digital age has democratized access to esoteric wisdom, making it readily available to those curious to explore. Social media platforms, notably Instagram and TikTok, have become the modern conclave for astrologers and enthusiasts to exchange insights and engage in discourse. This virtual community, marked by diverse voices and perspectives, further fuels astrology’s renaissance, emphasizing its relevance in a dynamically evolving world.

In conclusion, the resurgence of astrology among Millennials and Gen Z reflects more than a mere fascination with the cosmos; it mirrors a profound societal and personal transformation. Guided by the generational influence of Pluto’s cosmic dance, these individuals are embracing spirituality in new, personalized ways. The appeal of modern astrology lies in its adaptability, its recognition of individual agency, and its capacity to foster connections with both the celestial and the deeply intuitive aspects of being. As we traverse this era of redefined beliefs and rediscovered wisdom, astrology stands as a guiding star, illuminating the path towards self-discovery, empowerment, and a profound sense of cosmic kinship.

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