Keeping New Years Resolutions with Tarot

Personal, Tarot

Tarot is a rich and profound tool that helps you attune to your own subconscious through the use of colours, imagery and symbolism. It is a deck of 78 cards which depict the entirety of the human experience. From the overarching complex themes of our lives to the day to day situations, such as emotions, […]

Radical Self Love Through Spirituality

Astrology, Spirituality, Tarot

Life is a combination of fate and free will. I first came across the serenity prayer in a room in a rehabilitation center. Surrounded by other “hopeless junkies” just like myself – lacking in, above all, self love. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the […]

2023: A New Dawn

Astrology, Tarot

Astrology is the study of the movement and positions of the stars and planets and connecting them back to life on earth. The movements of the planets do not dictate what happens, however they serve as a mirror. By using this knowledge, we can prepare ourselves for potential challenges ahead and make use of opportunities […]

A Planetary Renaissance: “Exploring the modern youth’s cosmic quest”

Astrology, Spirituality, Tarot

The current landscape sees an intriguing surge among the younger generations, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, turning their attention towards psychology, astrology, tarot, and the esoteric. These avenues aren’t merely employed to predict the future, but rather to foster self-awareness, introspection, and personal growth. While statistics from Bangladesh are lacking, the global trends indicate a […]