Is your love written in the stars?

Astrology, Love and Relationships, Personal

So, what can astrology tell you about your relationship? So, what can astrology tell you about your relationship? Are you two meant to be together forever or is this just fated to be a short lived passionate affair? The cosmos can actually clue you into this and if you are about to tie the knot […]

Are the stars directing your fate ?

Astrology, Spirituality

Astrology is basically the belief that the planets and their movements have the power to influence our lives and our psychological makeup. While the Sumerians are credited as being the first astrologers, it was the Babylonians who took their studies further to create the zodiac wheel. They divided the sky into twelve equal signs, which […]

Radical Self Love Through Spirituality

Astrology, Spirituality, Tarot

Life is a combination of fate and free will. I first came across the serenity prayer in a room in a rehabilitation center. Surrounded by other “hopeless junkies” just like myself – lacking in, above all, self love. “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the […]

Our Responsibility to Mother Earth

Astrology, Spirituality, Yoga

As Earth Day 2023 approaches, we all need to take stock of how we, as individuals, contribute towards the current climate crisis. It is not something we can hide from anymore. As global temperatures continue to rise, our oceans become filled with plastic, we experience mass scale extinctions of thousands of species of animals and […]

2023: A New Dawn

Astrology, Tarot

Astrology is the study of the movement and positions of the stars and planets and connecting them back to life on earth. The movements of the planets do not dictate what happens, however they serve as a mirror. By using this knowledge, we can prepare ourselves for potential challenges ahead and make use of opportunities […]

A Planetary Renaissance: “Exploring the modern youth’s cosmic quest”

Astrology, Spirituality, Tarot

The current landscape sees an intriguing surge among the younger generations, particularly Millennials and Gen Z, turning their attention towards psychology, astrology, tarot, and the esoteric. These avenues aren’t merely employed to predict the future, but rather to foster self-awareness, introspection, and personal growth. While statistics from Bangladesh are lacking, the global trends indicate a […]

A Birth Chart: Mirror to the Soul


Astrology is one of those things that is hard to avoid. Even if you are not a believer, you probably have heard of your sun sign and perhaps you resonate with some of the traits. However, you are a beautifully unique and complex soul with many layers and intricate psychological workings which sometimes contradict each […]